Congratulations to Audra McDonald and Will Swenson who welcomed a daughter on Wednesday. The celebrity couple took to Twitter to share the joyous occasion with fans.

“[Will] and I are overjoyed to welcome Sally James McDonald-Swenson, born last night at 11:16pm,” Audra tweeted early Thursday morning. “Our hearts are bursting.”

McDonald announced her expectancy in May. The Broadway star was in the middle of production for the hit play Shuffle Along when she tweeted, “Who knew that tap dancing during perimenopause could lead to pregnancy? Will and I are completely surprised — and elated — to be expecting a new addition to our family.”

Although “surprised,” The Swensons were certainly not unprepared for their family’s expansion. Audra told media that she rearranged her schedule to accommodate pregnancy and the impending birth of her daughter. “I am so very grateful to everyone in New York and London for allowing me to rearrange my schedule to accommodate this little miracle,” McDonald shared in a press statement.

Audura further explained, “While I’m disappointed I have to postpone my West End debut in Lady Day, I’m glad I’ll be able to spend a little more time in Shuffle Along this summer and will look forward to setting up a 1920s-themed nursery in my dressing room when I return to the show.”

Although her career as a Broadway star is commendable, Audra has not always been able to live out her dreams. The celebrity recently told media that her training in classical music nearly hindered other aspirations. “I was not allowed to sing Broadway,” McDonald shared. “I just really hit bottom. [I] just decided, ‘Maybe I just don’t need to be here anymore.’ It was a place of real pain.”

The good news is that Audra was able to push past the pain to create a respectable career from which thousands glean. The celebrity mom’s newest family addition joins Audra’s daughter, Zoe, at home.

Photo: Getty Images
