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Jul 18th 2023 !⃝

Okay, before I start I just wanna say, everyone is doing a really good job at interpretation what this song may mean. I'd like to add my two cents, and try to incorporate a few other interpretations in with my opinion. I saw that the main interpretation is basically about a relationship that is negative, they pretend everything is okay because they want to continue having s3x. And this sounds very accurate (to the point where I am considering it a fact). However, that doesn't fill om all of the blanks(this theory alone doesn't tell the whole story). In order to understand the full story of this song, you have to first understand that there is no 1 direct meaning. It is a song covering multiple things that are bothering crybaby, but somehow relate to one another because they all remind her of "detention". Meaning that even the word detention can mean different things throughout the song. For example lines "baby can you meet me tonight in detention," is possibly something that was said to crybaby, by this person shes having the encounter with, and "i can feel your blood pressure raise" these two lines are describing the encounter, lastly "pretending everything's alright is (shh)" the fact that this sentence was interrupted says that someone is embarrassed to finish the thought(obviously not crybaby, because she eventually finishes the sentence) and why would someone interrupt this sentence (because it's a secret, because they're embarrassed, because they're pretending) because maybe the person she had s3x with is embarrassedabout what happened in detention, and wants to tell lies and secrets now becauseof it. So in this section detention = pretending and keeping secrets. How does that remind crybaby of detention? Because a lot of the times when you're in detention, you're in there for a bad reason, so it can be considered taboo, bad, or embarrassing if you're the one being put in there. Sometimes kids who go to detention don't want to tell their parents they went, because they'll get in trouble(regardless of why exactly they were sent to detention) which says to me, detention, is not only an action, but a feeling, and not only a feeling, but a place(not a literal place but a feeling that is so strong it may feel like an entrapment). Another line in the song that proves this theory is " I sit chewing gum to pass the time" this makes detention sound like a spiritual purgatory. A holding place, a waiting place for troubled children. Or more accurate, for
a description of what it may feel like to be in the public eye, and being accused of something. And realizing how people view you can dictate your success and financial growth. So you have to be careful what you say and do, and who's toes you step on. Even if your intentions are pure. So the waiting, could be wauting for yhings to "blow over" after youve already explained your side of teh story. perhaps the feelings that is associated with waiting sadly, is the same feeling crybaby feels when she feels like she's been wrongly accused of something " I'm not a bad guy, so don't treat me bad" and the lines after suggest she is talking about the public, and even possibly what the public may feel about this said "relationship " She's done something "bad" or been accused of something and now is being sent to detention for her actions. And If you've ever watched "k-12" the movie, when this song plays, that's exactly what is happening in this scene. So it goes along very well. And the dance being sexual definitely suggest that it's about a sexual relationship, but the glass wall and people watching suggest that the public doesn't like or agree with the relationship. But not only with the relationship, or sexual encounter, but it also suggests that the public doesn't like her. However, regardless of their hatred towards crybaby. They still want to consume her "like chopped meat". Meaning the "teachers" still see her as a valuable little money maker. Meaning she's not only succeeding for herself, but so that the "teachers"(aka producers and whoever else) can say "hey, look i taught her that, oh but let's forget about all that negative stuff. She's learned her lesson, and well keep her in line" (in otherwords im sayings the teachers are not only feeding off her success, but also further intensifing the make themselves look good " all you care about is your own selfish ways" So she's definitely talking about a relationship/sexual encounter...but also about that person, and how they want to hide the specific details of the relationship, and how the public views her because of the misinformation and accusations put upon her by this person. And through all this, she's the only one who seems to be on her own side, which is obviously making crybaby very sad and lonely during the spiritual purgatory.
