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Austin Mahone is the latest celeb to join the OnlyFans wave, but here's what's setting him apart from other famous folks on the site -- he's ready to get naked!!!

The singer's OnlyFans account has only been up for 3 days, and he tells us he's already getting blown up with some super weird requests ... like pics of his feet and even his butthole.

Austin says he's gonna stop short of straight-up pornography, but he's down to slip off his underwear for some sexy snaps.

Austin's already got a steamy video he's ready to upload to his OF page ... and we've obtained a snapshot from the shoot.

Easy to see why OnlyFans is right in Austin's wheelhouse ... remember, when he was only 19, he told us he's the champ when it comes to unstrapping bras during his hookups.

It's a pretty fun convo ... and Austin assures us he's gonna have the wildest OnlyFans page of any celeb!

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