The elephant tail kind of looks like a large toothbrush, but according to HERD, it's more like a hand, even a fashion statement, in that it can help differentiate individuals within the herd and can help determine the age of the creature. Similar to how a child takes the hand of a parent to cross the street, so does a calf hold on to its parent's tail, to garner a sense of security and direction. Additionally, the parent can also manage a calf's playtime while keeping an eye on them, by holding onto its tail. The tail can also speak to the animal's body language, just as human gestures serve as a method of communication. When elevated, the tail can signify being playful, excited, or even fearful. The other end of the spectrum will find the tail constantly swatting flies, expressing annoyance.

These gentle giants can tell much about their pasts by the humanely-collected hairs from their tails. This method also helps in the conservation of the species. Scientific examination of the tail hair reveals the animal's comings-and-goings, dietary insights, and what environmental conditions they live in.

Either way you shake it, the elephant tail is truly a work of wonder, just one part of a majestic creature. Continuing to protect and conserve the species is vital, however, as they are unfortunately still being illegally hunted, mostly for their ivory tusks.
