Evil Dead Rise, the fifth installment in the cult horror franchise, is set to hit the theaters in April 2023. The film, directed by Lee Cronin and produced by Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell, promises to deliver more gore and scares, as well as a new setting and a new cast of characters. However, one question that many fans have been asking is: where is Ash Williams, the chainsaw-wielding protagonist of the previous films and the TV series Ash vs Evil Dead? Is he dead, retired, or hiding somewhere? Here is what we know so far.

Ash Williams: The Legacy of the Deadite Slayer

Ash Williams, played by Bruce Campbell, is the most iconic and beloved character in the Evil Dead franchise. He first appeared in The Evil Dead (1981), as one of the five college students who visit a remote cabin in the woods and unleash an ancient evil by reading from the Necronomicon, the Book of the Dead. Ash survives the night, but loses his girlfriend, his friends, and his right hand, which he replaces with a chainsaw. He returns in Evil Dead II (1987), where he faces more Deadites, the possessed corpses of his enemies, and travels back in time to the Middle Ages. In Army of Darkness (1992), he becomes a reluctant hero, leading a medieval army against an evil wizard and his army of the dead. He also has a brief cameo in the post-credits scene of the 2013 reboot, Evil Dead, where he says his signature catchphrase, “Groovy”.

Ash’s story continues in the TV series Ash vs Evil Dead, which ran for three seasons from 2015 to 2018. The show follows Ash as he comes out of retirement and teams up with a young sidekick and a mysterious woman to fight the Deadites, who have returned after 30 years. The show also reveals more about Ash’s past, his family, and his destiny as the chosen one who can stop the evil once and for all. The show ends with Ash waking up in a post-apocalyptic future, where he meets a female warrior and drives a modified version of his old car, the Delta 88.

Ash Williams: The Absence of the Groovy Hero

Despite his popularity and importance, Ash Williams does not appear in Evil Dead Rise. According to Bruce Campbell, who also serves as a co-producer of the film, he has officially retired from playing the character, and wants to pass the torch to a new generation of heroes. He said in an interview with Collider1:

I’m done with Ash. I’ve done everything I can with that character. I’ve done three movies, a TV show, I’ve done video games, comic books, I’ve done it all. So, it’s somebody else’s turn. I’m happy to produce it, I’m happy to support it in any way I can, but I don’t ever need to play that character again.

Campbell also explained that he wants the franchise to explore new stories and perspectives, and not rely on Ash’s presence. He said in an interview with Bloody Disgusting2:

We’re going to continue the mythology, but we’re going to leave Ash out of it. We’re going to let him be quiet for a while. We’re going to let him rest. He’s done enough. He’s got a good life. He’s got a good situation. He’s happy. He’s done. Let him go. Let him go.

Ash Williams: The Hint of the Hidden Hero

However, Ash Williams is not completely absent from Evil Dead Rise. Bruce Campbell has a minor voice cameo in the film, as a priest who speaks on a record that the characters find in their apartment. The record reveals some information about the Necronomicon and the Deadites, and serves as a connection to the previous films. Campbell recorded his voice in Ireland, where the film was shot, and said that he had fun doing it. He also hinted that his cameo might not be as simple as it seems. He said in an interview with Screen Rant3:

Bruce came over to Ireland… and I asked him if he would do this teeny, tiny, little cameo for me. And the fun part is, that’s not necessarily Bruce Campbell playing someone else – that could very well be Ash Williams.

This suggests that Ash might have traveled back in time again, and recorded his voice in the past, as a way of helping the future heroes. This would not be surprising, considering that Ash has a history of time travel and messing with the timeline. It is also possible that Ash might appear in a future sequel, if Evil Dead Rise is successful and spawns more films. Campbell has not ruled out the possibility of returning as Ash, if the circumstances are right. He said in an interview with ComicBook.com:

I would do different versions of Ash, yeah, if the timing is right. I don’t know what those versions would be. I’m open to ideas. But I think Ash is a fun character, he’s a lovable loser, he’s fun to write for, he’s fun to watch. So, I’m not closing any doors.

Ash Williams: The Conclusion of the Story

The story of Ash Williams is a saga of horror, comedy, and heroism, that has spanned over four decades and five films, as well as a TV show, video games, comic books, and more. He is one of the most iconic and beloved characters in the genre, and his legacy is undeniable. However, he is not in Evil Dead Rise, as Bruce Campbell has decided to retire from playing him, and let a new generation of heroes take over. He does have a small voice cameo in the film, which might hint at his involvement in the past or the future. He might also come back in a different version, if the opportunity arises. Ash Williams is not dead, but he is resting. He is not only a groovy hero, but also a legend.
